Trafalgar Tavern Licensing Application

We wanted to draw your attention to the application for variation of a premises license that has been made by the Trafalgar Tavern which can be viewed here:
and the concerns that have been raised by a group of local residents. Any comments in favour or against the application can be emailed to the council as detailed below.
NEW application for a variation of a premises licence at the Trafalgar Tavern to transform it into a FIVE floor venue
Concerns about the potential impact on residents in Crane Street, Park Row, Eastney Street, Highbridge Wharf and Old Woolwich Road
Licensing Act 2003: Ref: 12348
Final date for objections is September 2nd
Dear neighbour,
The very large number of objections submitted to the council by residents and businesses across the area led to the Trafalgar Tavern withdrawing their recent application to extend their opening hours.
The Trafalgar has, however, almost immediately submitted a new application to use the top two floors for licensable activities of live and recorded music, dance and supply of alcohol.
This means that what was originally a simple and fairly quiet but historic pub would now have a bar and restaurant on the ground floor, Cribbs Parlour bar in the basement, the extensive outside seating area, the large function room and bar on the first floor and two new floors including the planned roof terrace and bar.
FIVE floors of activity and people with the potential for noise and disruption for residents.
In addition, and previously unknown to many residents in the area, we are also now aware that the Trafalgar has already previously secured a licence to open at the following times.
Monday - Thursday 11.00 – 01.00
Friday - Saturday 11.00 – 02.00
Sunday 12.00 – 00.00
Late extensions Christmas, Easter, St Patrick’s Day and Bank Holidays
A great concern is that it could have potential to create disturbance in the area until the early hours of the morning, especially as the increased numbers of customers and staff leave the building and look for transport in Eastney Street and Park Row.
There are very real worries that five floors of drinking and music could make living in this part of Greenwich like being close to a major nightclub or party venue, rather than a traditional riverside pub with normal opening hours and activities.
A rooftop bar could be especially problematic for residents on Crane Street and Eastney Street or in Aylmer House and Gifford House whose bedrooms face on to the pub or are within range of the noise of music, talking and singing which may carry for a substantial distance due to the height of the roof.
Several neighbours have already submitted their concerns to the council about the potential impact these changes could have and the damaging effect it might have on the sleep and well-being of residents across a wide area, especially those with young families.
With almost no public transport after midnight, the drinkers are likely to either walk home along the river or past residential houses in Crane Street and Highbridge Wharf, whilst Eastney Street, Park Row and Old Woolwich Road could have even more Ubers, Taxis and passengers outside their houses as customers, many drunk, leave the Trafalgar.
And anyone who has visited or lived near to a late-night club or drinking establishment in a major city will also be aware of the potential for the additional problems of rubbish, vomiting, vandalism, theft, graffiti, doorways used as toilets, drug use and anti-social behaviour that local residents have to deal with on a regular basis.
Anyone who has concerns about the new planning application has to submit their written objections no later than Thursday September 2nd 2021.
They must include their full name and address and specifically mention whether they believe it relates to one of the four licencing objectives which are 1) Protection of Children from harm 2) public safety 3) Prevention of public nuisance 4) Prevention of crime and disorder, and say how they think the application by the Trafalgar Tavern could impact on one of those and how it could affect their life and that of their family.
And they must also include this reference:
Objection to the proposed grant of a new premises licence to the Trafalgar Tavern, Park Row, Greenwich, SE10 9NW. Licensing Act 2003: Ref: 12348
Address for written submissions
Steve McNally, Licensing Officer
Trading Standards and Licensing
Floor 4, The Woolwich Centre
35 Wellington Street
London SE18 6HQ