Thames Path Clean Up - 30 bags & counting!

A huge thank you to everyone who turned out for the gardening and litter picking on Saturday 25th November. There were 15 willing volunteers of all ages who managed to clean up a great swathe of shrubbery, collecting nearly 50 bags of green waste as well as several bags of beer cans. The weather was perfect for hard work - cold but sunny. We came across lots of interesting plants and shrubs as we cleared out the weeds and brambles, survivors of the original planting in the run-up to the Millennium when that stretch of path was first opened.
As well as EGRA members, there were other Greenwich residents who came along to help so it proved to be an excellent networking opportunity. There was also lots of interest in what we were doing from passers-by and we may have netted some new EGRA members. We hope to be able to repeat the experience in January in order to finish off the northern part of the path and plant some wildflower seeds to supplement the things that have self-seeded there.