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Cruise Terminal - Things are hotting up

Following our letter to the Mayor asking him to reject the cruise liner application, we have been working with other local groups to gain support from Assembly Members. Our thanks to Caroline Pidgeon AM, Jenny Jones AM and Andrew Boff AM for sharing our concerns on the potential negative impact on air quality and echoing our thoughts over the poor decision that Greenwich Council has made. Please read Caroline's and Jenny's letters to the Mayor.

We continue to liaise with our own Assembly Member's office and to brief him on all developments. The Mayor is expected to make his decision next week on 26th August.

Our very own Ian Blore was a guest on London Live yesterday:

Ian highlighted the pressure all Londoners feel from intense development. As well as explaining the air quality issues he emphasised the need for local peoples' voices to be heard and proper scrutiny of reports relating to the project. The air quality report was only issued four days before the planning decision and was not made public. As far as we know most members of the planning Board would not have had time to read this report. We have managed to obtain the report through a freedom of Information request and we are reviewing this in detail now.

Our thanks to London Live for picking this story up and giving us a chance to air our concerns.

Finally, a first for our borough. News of the debacle has hit the pages of Private Eye, in their

'Rotten Boroughs' section, following our leaders comments at the cruise liner planning board and council meetings. Seems like the Council has upset one person too many.

There are some exciting developments in the pipeline - we'll add updates on this post.

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