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East Greenwich residents adopt air quality monitors

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Due to significant concerns regading the levels of air polution locally and the potential impact of increased traffic etc, East Greenwich residents have decided to monitor their own air quality. We are literally adopting our own air quality monitoring tubes. These tubes will be placed on posts at strategic points on our roads.

Each resident contributing towards their cost (£9), which includes analysis by a nationally accredited laboratory, will “own” their tube while it’s in East Greenwich. The plan is to adhere strictly to official guidelines and install them in early March. They will then be a fully valid measurement of local air quality.

Double permissable limits

We’ll publish the results which can then be used to argue that action must be taken to reduce unacceptable pollution. Previous monitoring, including that by Greenwich Council, has revealed pollution levels nearly double the permissible limits.

EGRA hopes to continue monitoring air quality. Another set of readings should take place in summer. So, if you did not adopt a tube in round one, you can put your hand up for our tube before summer. Send us an email; it’s first come, first served. And you can take your kids, friends and neighbours to visit your tube. Just please don’t mess with it.

Many thanks to all who have sponsored a tube and please keep watching this site.

Update: 07.04.15

Map of sites

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In addition to these 10 sites, Westcombe Society are monitoring at Halstow School which is within East Greenwich. Site 10 lies just outside East Greenwich but is important to monitor the effect of the IKEA development. The 3 sites shown in blue are “controls” where we guess pollution should be lower than on main traffic routes.

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