River Gardens Update
Bellway opened show flats and a sales office for their portion of the River Gardens development on the 23rd of June. Three of us spent...

London Cruise Port Land Up For Sale and Developer Pulls Out
Morgan Stanley, the fourth biggest investment bank in the world, have put the site for London's City Cruise Port up for sale for around...

Support Christchurch School Community Garden
CHRISTCHURCH SCHOOL COMMUNITY GARDEN (CSCG) The Christchurch School Community Garden is an exciting new project to transform Christchurch...

Volunteer needed to support responses to planning applications
EGRA started as a campaign group, we came together to provide a counter balance to the aggressive development along East Greenwich...

Bellway Apply for HUGE advertising sign with 50 floodlights
Bellway have applied for planning permission to re-install a massive sign six stories tall and the full width of the building along with...

Trinity Hospital River Wall Repairs
The Environment Agency has made a long awaited Planning Application (Ref: 17/3556/F) to demolish and rebuild the river wall in front of...

EU Cannot Intervene to Ensure a Clean Cruise Port
The petition by EGRA to the European Parliament on the London City cruise port has been closed after a considered Opinion from the...

The Lantern Parade! A celebration of community!
The Streets of East Greenwich lit up on Thursday night as the Peoples Parlour took their show on the road with the Lantern Parade! A...

Thames Path Clean Up - 30 bags & counting!
A huge thank you to everyone who turned out for the gardening and litter picking on Saturday 25th November. There were 15 willing...

Volunteers needed for gardening and ‘greening’ projects in East Greenwich
Volunteers needed for gardening and ‘greening’ projects in East Greenwich Join our team of volunteers working on gardening and greening...