Morden Wharf Consultation
We had a very productive meeting with U&I on 16th December and provided this written response to them following the meeting. Thank you...

UEFA Fanzone - Planning Application Objections
Ref. 19/3497/F – UEFA Fanzone, Greenwich Park If you would like to add your comments to the applications please do this as the number...

Sivyer, Morden Wharf - Planning Application
19/3298/F – Sivyer site at northern end of Morden Wharf If you would like to add your comments to the applications please do this as the...

Blackwall Lane has new street trees!
Blackwall Lane has new street trees! And if that isn’t enough, we have eight of them mixed with a wild flower pollinator corridor, a...

UEFA Euro 2020 Fanzone Update
Notes on a Meeting with Loud Sound on 22nd October 2019 In Attendance: Greenwich Society, EGRA, Blackheath Society, Friends of Greenwich...

Maze Hill Station - Volunteer Gardeners Wanted
If you are interested in giving a hand, please email Helena at mazehillgardeners@gmail.com by end September.

UEFA Euro 2020 Fanzone Greenwich
Notes on a Meeting with GLA UEFA Fanzone Team on 20th August 2019 Representatives of EGRA, along with those from the Westcombe Society,...

PLA Meeting 25th June
Meeting with the PLA on 25th June 2019 at Ahoy Sailing Centre, Deptford The PLA is the main body responsible for environmental...

Thames 21 Clean Up
Click on this link to read a recent article in the Westcombe News: http://www.westcombesociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/19_05-May19...

What has been done for the Greenwich Low Emission Neighbourhood?
EGRA members with good memories will remember that nearly three years ago the Council received £5m from the Mayor's Office to set up a...